Business Cards

Business Cards

While a design intern at Breaker, I was tasked with redesigning the brand’s business cards. The business cards that were currently in use were very simple, and both our creative director and our founder wanted business cards that were more inventive and eye-catching.

I came up with six concepts that I felt were in line with the core values of the brand and presented these six concepts to our creative director, our head of marketing, and our founder. Out of the six, our founder settled on two of them; an expensive option and more scalable option.


On the front of this concept is a lenticular print of the “Breaker Bumper” animation that plays before all of Breaker’s productions. Within the animation, the “eye” logo of the previous brand, SingularDTV, flashes and then resolves to the logotype of the new brand. As you tilt the card back and forth, the bumper animates in either direction. This concept pays homage to the legacy of the brand and the transition the company made from “SingularDTV” to “Breaker”.

As this concept is extremely expensive to produce, only company executives will receive these cards to give to important contacts.


One of the most important pillars of the Breaker platform is peer-to-peer interaction. Because Breaker is built on blockchain technology, artists/filmmakers and consumers can transact directly with one another without an intermediary—a record label, a film studio—taking a cut of the profit. This concept aims to mimic that peer-to-peer interaction with a perforated strip on one end containing a coupon code for a free download on the Breaker app.

As this concept is much cheaper to print, the majority of Breaker’s employees will get these cards as opposed to the lenticular concept above.

Both concepts are currently in production.




